Monday, February 3, 2014

A Salute to Black History Month...

February marks National Black History Month.
It's a time to celebrate, remember, study, read, discuss and give homage to our African-American heroes, and their collective contributions past and present.
From Rosa Parks, to Martin Luther King, to Maya Angelou, to President Barack Obama--they have all exemplified what it means to be Black, strong, beautiful and proud.

Whether you are a teacher of young children, or a parent of a young Black child, spend some time this month sharing their rich history and the sacrifices made by their ancestors for the liberties and opportunities they enjoy today.

Find ways to show them their legacy is full of leaders, kings, and queens.
And in so doing, you may just plant a seed for our future Black president, Pulitzer Prize winner, or influential thought leader.

Happy Black History Month. May it be filled with memories you'll treasure...and things that make you proud.


Monday, January 27, 2014

Welcome to the Re-launch of Poet Cop

It's a pleasure to have you here, as I share my creative works, thoughts on events of the day, and upcoming events.
It's also a place to share your views and connect on common issues.

I've been writing in some form or another, since adolescence.
But many of the poems and commentary pieces you'll find at this site have evolved from my twenty year career formerly as a Chicago Police Officer.

Writing became cathartic. It helped me to cope, and to put on paper in the day things that often kept me up at night.
I find that today's "cop shows" often have a tendency to create and produce scripts more for entertainment than edification.

Nonetheless, the views expressed here are my own, and are not necessarily shared by other law enforcement officers. Names may be changed to protect the guilty.

Thanks for stopping by.